World Down Syndrome Day Celebration Webinar, Nagpur , MS , India, 25 March 2021
COMHAD (UK) and DOWN SYNDROME FEDERATION OF INDIA (DSFI) has organized a webinar on the occasion of WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY on Thursday, 25 March 2021 on the ZOOM platform. DR YASHWANT PATIL, INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT OF COMHAD, briefed about the COMHAD objectives and welcomed the delegates.
DR UDAY BODHANKAR, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF COMHAD, welcomed the dignitaries and gave the introduction of the session and need for the academic activities for the benefits of children and adults with Down Syndrome. He appreciated the need for multidisciplinary interaction.
The first session was conducted by,...DR SUREKHA RAMCHANDRAN, Founder and President of DSFI. She explained the problems faced by ADULTS WITH DOWN SYNDROME. As well explained the prevention and management of their problems.
The second session was conducted by a noted Developmental Pediatrician from Bengaluru...DR NANDINI MUNDKUR. She explained the causes and management of behavioral and psychiatric problems of children and teens with Down Syndrome.
The third session was conducted by DR USHA DAVE .. a noted Geneticist and Neuroscientist from Mumbai. She emphasized on Importance of genetics and genetic counseling for the prevention of Down Syndrome.
The fourth session was conducted by DR SUCHIT TAMBOLI, Developmental Pediatrician (Ph.D.)and trainer from Ahmednagar. He explained the importance of Early Intervention and gave lucid tips for parents.
The fifth session was conducted by noted OT expert DR PRIYANKA RAIKAR, Director of Miracle: Center for children with Disabilities, Goa. She gave an overview of the perspective of therapists in the management of children with Down Syndrome.
This was followed by a Q & A session. All promised to work together for the cause of Down Syndrome. Prominently present on the occasion were, Dr. M S Rawat, Prof Emirates MUHS, Dr. Prakash Sanghavi, VP COMHAD, Dr. Sunil Khaparde, Advisor Public Health, GOI, Dr. Sunanda Reddy, Dr. Shaheen Akhtar, Dhaka, Dr. Vijay Suple, Canada, Dr. Vijay Dhote, President AOP Nagpur, Dr. Sofia Azad, Principal OT Nagpur, Rtn. Prof Elizabeth Bengaluru. All shared their views about Webinar at the end of Scientific Sessions.
The session was well attended by parents and representatives of NGOs working in the field of Down Syndrome. The webinar was attended by more than 100 delegates.
Dr. Jayashree Shiwalkar, National Co-ordinator for COMHAD conducted the proceedings nicely. Dr. Pradeep Jaiswal, General Secretary, COMHAD UK proposed a Vote of Thanks.

Webinar on Impact of Environment and Climate change in the Prevention and Control of Kidney Disease, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India 25 March 2021
The seminar on Impact of Environment and Climate change in the Prevention and Control of Kidney Diseases, was organized by COMHAD India Chapter in association with Divecha Centre for Climate Change Indian Institute of Science and Lakeside Education Trust, Bengaluru on 25 March 2021, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India on Virtual platform, on the occasion of the celebration of World Kidney Day Week.
The program started with a welcome speech by Prof. S.K Satheesh / Prof. J Srinivasan, Prof J. Srinivasan Director of DCCC IIs. Followed by Prof Dr. H Paramesh introduced the chairperson and speaker and gave introductory remarks.
The faculty for this seminar was Dr. Ajit Huilgol - Senior Eminent Kidney Transplant Surgeon, Bangalore.
Chairperson Dr. Bharat C. Chhaparwal gave closing remarks and conducted the question-answer session. A vote of thanks was given by Dr. C. P. Ravi Kumar, National Secretary COMHAD India Chapter.The total beneficiaries were about 100.
Webinar on World Autism Awareness Day Celebration, Nagpur, MS, India, 2 April 2021.
The Commonwealth Association for Health and Disability in association with Nagpur Composite Regional Centre for Skill Development, Rehabilitation and Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, (CRC – Nagpur) has celebrated World Autism Awareness Day on Friday dated 2 nd April 2021 in the form of Virtual webinar arranging guest lectures by experts in the field of Autism.
On this occasion Honorable Prof Dr Mrudula Phadke Senior Advisor NRHM, UNICEF & COMHAD and Former Vice Chancellor MUHS was graciously present as the Chief Guest of the function and Dr Uday Bodhankar Executive Director COMHAD UK and Deputy Chairperson CHPA UK was Guest of Honour. The function was presided over by the Director of CRC, GOI, Nagpur Shri Prafull Shinde.
World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) is celebrated all over the world on 2 nd April every year to raise the awareness about people living with autistic spectrum disorders including autism and Asperger syndrome, among the community and helping them for their inclusion in the society as a normal person and not to consider it as a disease but disorder which can be corrected to equally normal level with early intervention with early diagnosis.
Theme for World Autism Awareness Day 2021 as per United Nations is ‘Inclusion in the Workplace: Challenges and Opportunities in a Post-Pandemic World’. While conducting this programme Dr Aparna Bhalerao HOD & Assistant Professor Department of Clinical Psychology, CRC Nagpur explained the meaning of the theme and assured that while celebrating this day the society will definitely become aware of this disorder.
As per United Nation version, “Persons with autism have long faced many of these inequalities, which have only been further exacerbated by the pandemic. It’s a problem made worse by long recognized discriminatory hiring practices and workplace environments that present major obstacles for persons with autism; all of which contribute to the unemployment or severe underemployment of a large majority of adults on the autism spectrum.”
According to the 2011 Census of India, there are 7,862,921 children with disabilities below the 19- year age group in the country, among which 595,089 have an intellectual disability. According to a study done by INCLEN Trust International in 2018, about 1 in 100 children in India under age 10 have autism, and nearly 1 in 8 has at least one neurodevelopmental condition. During this this celebration of World Autism Awareness Day, COMHAD News-Letter April 2021 issue with the theme “Covid Pandemic – Its Impact on Persons with Special Needs” was released at the hands of Patron and Director of CRC Nagpur, under the leadership of Prof Dr Mrudula Phadke Editor-In-Chief, Prof Dr M S Rawat Advisor COMHAD & Dr Uday Bodhankar Executive Director of COMHAD.
Other dignitories present were Dr Nandini Mundkar ,Prof Elizabeth Cherian International Coordinator COMHAD, Dr Sofia Azad Principal Occupational Therapy School GMC Nagpur, Dr Umanjali Damke Principal Physiotherapy School GMC Nagpur, Dr Priyanka Raikar Occupational
Therapist Goa, Dr R.G. Patil EBM of AHA , Dr Dhakulkar, Dr Sarita Kadu, Dr Shubhada Khirwadkar EBM AHA and Shri Anil Joshi.
After the inaugural function there were academic Scientific presentations by eminent experts in the field of Autism. Dr Jayshree Shiwalkar who is National Coordinator & Co-editor COMHAD and Developmental Pediatrician Nagpur spoke on Pre-Occupational Skills Development in Autistic children. Dr Ashwini Dahat Lecturer in Occupational Therapy CRC Nagpur spoke on Social Skills Development in Autistic children.
The function was attended by about 80 delegates from all spheres of profession and various related NGOs including parents. The programme was compared by the Convenor of the Programme Dr Aparna Bhalerao HOD & Assistant Professor Department of Clinical Psychology CRC Nagpur, followed by vote of thanks by Dr Pradeep Jaiswal Secretary General COMHAD UK.
Webinar on World Health Day Week Celebration, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, 22 April 2021.
The Guest lecture on “Measures Needed to Build Fairer and Healthier World for Survival" was
organized by COMHAD India Chapter in association with Divecha Centre for Climate Change Indian Institute of Science and Lakeside Education Trust, Bengaluru on 22 April 2021, Bengaluru, Karnataka,India on Virtual platform, on the occasion of celebration of World Health Day (7 April) and World Earth Day (22 April).
The programme started with welcome speech by Prof. Dr S.Chandrashekhar Shetty of DCCC IIs. Followed by Prof Dr H Paramesh introduced the chairperson and speaker and gave introductory remarks.
The Guest Speaker was Dr. Poornima Prabhakaran Head-Environmental Health, Deputy Director Centre for Environmental Health, Member Working Committee WHO, NGO, Public Health Foundation of India.
Chairperson Dr M K C Nair Formerly Vice-Chancellor KUHS, Founder Director, CDC, Emeritus Professor in Child Adolescent and Behavioural Pediatrics CDC, Director NIMS-SPECTRUM-Child Development Research Centre (CDRC), gave excellent closing summary of the talk and conducted
question-answer session. Vote of thanks was given by Dr C. P. Ravi Kumar, National Secretary COMHAD India Chapter.
The total beneficiaries were about 25.
National Summit for Special Needs Parents, Nagpur, MS, India on Zoom platform, 19 - 23 May 2021.
The First of its kind National Summit for Special Needs Parents was organised by the Founder and Managing Director of SNIC Rehab Foundation Mrs Harshali Kharche as Chief Organizing Chairperson along with other Directors of the Foundation as Co-organizing members, in association with many sponsors and supporters such as COMHAD, Team CRC, Child Learning Centre, Saamarthya Foundation USA, Rehab Jobs, Stress Management Centre, Child React Foundation, Swastika Hospitals, Digital Media Partner, Invest and various Special Needs Parents organizations. This was held on 19 th to 23 rd May 2021 on Zoom virtual platform
The motto behind organizing this event was to provide professional guidance, parental perspective and experience sharing from various organizations and NGOs about their individual models in the child development sector.
The Theme of the summit was “Challenges to Opportunities”. During summit the parents were guided by galaxy of 40+ leading experts from across India and abroad, with deliberations pertaining to the theme.
The function started with introductory remarks by Mrs Harshali Kharche followed by inauguration on 19 May 2021. The Chief Guest for the inaugural function was Prof Dr Mrudula Phadke, Senior Advisor National Health Mission and UNICEF and COMHAD and Former Vice Chancellor MUHS. In her inaugural speech Madam Phadke explained in simple language how prevention is important to reduce disability incidence, rather treating the disability which is cumbersome for the general public. The other Guests of honour also put forward their views on this occasion. Such as – Dr Yashwant Patil International President COMHAD UK, in his speech elaborated the importance of the Theme of the summit – “Challenges to Opportunities” and gave short overview of Commonwealth Association for Health & Disability UK (COMHAD) for the knowledge of parents and professionals present.
Dr Uday Bodhankar Executive Director COMHAD and Deputy Chairperson CHPA UK deliberated on Community Based Rehabilitation and explained how the rehabilitation can surpass the disability to ability to its greatest potential briefly.
Dr M S Rawat Former Professor & Head Pediatrics GMC Nagpur and recipient of Marathon Teacher Award of MUHS.mainly stressed on preventive aspects of disability at every stage of life for future healthy generation of mankind.
Key Note Addresses were delivered by Dr Sumit Shinde, Pediatric Occupational Therapist & Rehabilitation Consultant Navi Mumbai and Dr Shivani Pandit, Founder Director of Samarthya Foundation USA & Special Educator working for India. Both in their Key Note Address explained the importance of such Summit organized for Special Needs Parents and organized first time by Parents Associations which is commendable.
This was followed by vote of thanks by Mrs Harshali Kharche, Founder and Managing Director of SNIC Rehab Foundation Nagpur. The inaugural programme was efficiently anchored by Shri Dinesh More and was attended by about 107 delegates.
From 20 May 2021 – 2 nd day of summit, the day-wise programme was focussed on various issues as
Day 2: Current Challenges in the field of paediatric rehabilitation
Day 3: Perspective of Parenting for Special Needs children
Day 4: Approaches towards successful schooling
Day 5: Adults with special needs
In these Five enriching days of National Parents Summit 2021, SNIC Rehab Foundation could make a change in the community by putting a rationale in front of parents of special needs children. This rationale, belief system, change in approach was discussed by over 40+ eminent speakers and experts during the Summit through their talks and panel discussions.
More than 500 participants were benefitted of the opportunity provided.
SNIC's vision of empowering the parents’ community and provide appropriate guidance for their healthy mental state was met by the whole program. The Summit also included various parent child activities and they were acknowledged for their efforts and participation during the valedictory function. Later on E-Souvenir was released and recording of the entire summit was distributed among the participants and the organizers.

Webinar on Role of Environmental Issues in the Prevention and Control of Asthma, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, 27 May 2021.
The webinar on Role of Environmental Issues in the Prevention and Control of Asthma was
organized by COMHAD India Chapter in association with Divecha Centre for Climate Change Indian Institute of Science and Lakeside Education Trust, Bengaluru on Thursday dated 27 May 2021 at 5.30 PM (IST) on Microsoft Teams virtual platform.
The programme started with welcome speech by Prof J. Srinivasan Director of DCCC IIs. Followed by Prof Dr H Paramesh gave introductory remarks on the subject and introduced the chairperson of the seminar Prof Veerbhadrappa and speaker Prof. Dr. Murali Mohan B. V.
The faculty for this webinar was Prof. Dr. Murali Mohan B.V, MD, M.R.C.P, who is Senior Consultant Internal Medicines and Pulmonology, Narayana Health and Majumdar Shaw Medical Center Bommasandra, Bengaluru.
Closing remarks were given by Prof Veerbhadrappa. This was followed by question-answersession and vote of thanks by Dr C P Ravi Kumar.
The total beneficiaries were about 100.
Webinar on Accessibility Now – GAAD, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, 29 May 2021.
COMHAD with the initiative of International Coordinator of COMHAD Prof Elizabeth Cherian
Paramesh and Rotary Bengaluru Abilities under the auspices of Rotary International District 3190 Bengaluru organized webinar on “Accessibility Now” on the occasion of Global Accessibility Awareness Day on Saturday 29 th May 2021 (Third Thursday of May every year).
The event was curated by Rotarians Prof Elizabeth Cherian Paramesh and Prof Geeta Balakrishnan and conceived by the members of the Rotary Bangalore Abilities. The webinar was based on the UN Sustainable Development goal that stresses on creating accessible cities, sustainable transport systems, universal access to safe, inclusive and green public spaces for all. The aim of the Webinar was to promote an inclusive, equitable and fair environment for people with disability and encourage the amplification of concerned voices of the disabled so as to be heard by policy makers and other stakeholders. Various topics on accessibility - present scenario and future vision were delivered by
eminent speakers expertize in their field.
Welcome address was given by Rtn Nagaraj H. President Rotary Bengaluru Abilities 2020- 2021. Followed by Dr Uday Bodhankar Executive Director of COMHAD welcomed the dignitaries and introduced the COMHAD in short and set the milestone in bridging the two
Opening remarks were given by Rtn Nagendra Prasad B L, Rotary District Governor 3190 2020-2021. While webinar overview was addressed by Rtn Anandhi Viswanathan Immediate Past President Rotary Bengaluru Abilities.
The first session on ‘The Current Scenario’ was compared by Rtn Prof Geeta Balakrishnan with short introduction of the speakers before their talks.
‘Future Direction in Karnataka and Requirements’ was deliberated by Sri Basavaraju V S,Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Govt of Karnataka.
‘City Planning and meeting Requirements’ was delivered by Sri Ravichandran V, Director Bengaluru International Centre.
‘Inclusive Design and Retrofit Solutions’ was delivered by Sri Naresh Narasimhan, Architect and Urban Designer, Bengaluru.
‘Adopting to the Need’ was given by Rtn Suresh Hari S, Chairman, Credai & Past District Governor and Counsellor, Rotary International District 3190.
The second session on “Future Vision” was compared by Rtn Prof Elizabeth Cherian P. The eminent speakers for deliberating various visions for future implementation were - Prof Dr Gaurav Raheja, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. Rtn Prof Dr H Paramesh, Divecha Center for Climate Change, IISc Bengaluru. Sri Bernard Kadasia, President Alliance for Health Promotion Geneva.
The Concluding Session was compared by Prof Geeta Balakrishnan. The talk on “Rotary as enabler of need” was given by Rtn Fazal Mahmood Rotary District Governor Elect. Followed by Dr Yashwant Patil summarised the key points from the seminar and practical views on the aspects of accessibility and inclusivity passionately.
At the end of webinar experts tabled some resolutions which the Rotary would be sending across the same to the Government and also to media houses to create the need for awareness on accessibility to all while planning buildings and public spaces.
Vote of thanks was given by Rtn Aravind A, Secretary Rotary Bengaluru Abilities. Meeting was adjourned by Rtn Nagaraj H President Rotary Bengaluru Abilities. This was followed bynational anthem.
The program was anchored by Rtn Prof Geeta Balakrishnan and Rtn Prof Elizabeth Cherian P.
Total number of beneficiaries were about 100.
COMHAD Coordinated BAPIO’s Philanthropic Social Activity, Nagpur, MS, India, June 2021.
COMHAD coordinated with BAPIO – British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin for their philanthropic social activity in June 2021 to select NGOs from Vidarbha for the distribution of donation from BAPIO. The donation was worth Rs 4 crore in the form of ventilators, oxygen concentrators, pulse oximeters, medicines and PPE kits etc. Many social organisations in Vidarbha region were benefitted with this noble gesture shown by doctor members of BAPIO through their contributions during most vulnerable period of Covid-19 pandemic. The donation has made to meet the challenges posed by COVID pandemic, to the health care providers.
The social organizations benefitted include – (Total 12)
Padmashri Dr Prakash Amte’s Lok Biradari project in Hemalkasa, in Gadchiroli district;
Padmashri Dr Ravindra and Dr Smita Kolhe’s project in Bairagadh in Dharni Tahasil of Amravati district;
Padmashri Dr Abhay and Dr Rani Bang’s project SEARCH in Gadchiroli district;
Dr Ashish and Dr Kavita Satav’s project MAHAN in Melghat, Amravati district;
Dr Vikas Amte’s project Anandvan, in Warora, Chandrapur district;
Dr Kaustubh Amte’s project in Somnath, Chandrapur district;
Old Age Home Panchawati of Matru Sewa Sangh and Orphanage at Saoner;
Shraddhanandpeth Anathalay, Nagpur;
Vimalashram Gharkul of Shri Rambhau Ingole in Nagpur;
Matru Sewa Sangh Maternity Home, Sitabuldi, Nagpur;
Mure Memorial Hospital, Nagpur and Daga Hospital, Gandhibag, Nagpur.
BAPIO (British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin) was founded by Prof Ramesh Mehta,medical graduate from Nagpur, in 1996 in United Kingdom. Prof Ramesh Mehta is basically native of agpur. We feel proud to mention that this medical charitable non-political national organization as been helping various organisations for better health facilities, particularly in rural area and for
those serving the economically weaker.
We are grateful to Dr Uday Bodhankar Executive Director COMHAD who was the Project Coordinator from COMHAD for this social activity.

Webinar on Desired Environment Changes in the Prevention & Control of Eye Diseases & The Need for Ecosystem Restoration, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, 24 June 2021.
The webinar on Desired Environment Changes in the Prevention & Control of Eye Diseases & The Need for Ecosystem Restoration was organized by COMHAD India Chapter in association with Divecha Centre for Climate Change Indian Institute of Science and Lakeside Education Trust, Bengaluru on Thursday dated 24 June 2021 at 5 PM (IST) on Microsoft Teams virtual
The programme started with welcome speech by Prof J. Srinivasan Director of DCCC IIs.Followed by Prof Dr H Paramesh gave introductory remarks on the subject and introduced the chairperson of seminar Prof Sanjeev Rai and speaker Prof. Chandrashekar Shetty.
The faculty for this webinar was Prof. Chandrashekar Shetty, who is currently Vice Chancellor, Adichunchanagiri University, B.G. Nagara. He deliberated on Desired Environment Changes in the Prevention & Control of Eye Diseases.
This was followed by deliberation by Prof Dr H Paramesh on The Need for Ecosystem Restoration.
Closing remarks were given by Prof Sanjeev Rai. This was followed by question-answer session and vote of thanks by Dr C P Ravi Kumar.
The total beneficiaries were about 100.
Webinar on Desired Environmental Changes in Prevention and Control of Liver Diseases, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, 29 July 2021.
Webinar on Desired Environmental Changes in Prevention and Control of Liver Diseases, was
organized by the COMHAD India Chapter in association with Divecha Centre for Climate Change Indian Institute of Science and Lakeside Education Trust, Bengaluru on 29 July 2021, Bengaluru,Karnataka, India on Virtual platform, to celebrate Hepatitis Day.
The programme started with welcome speech by Prof. J. Srinivasan Founder and Director of DCCC IIs. Followed by Prof Dr H Paramesh introduced the chairperson and speaker and gave introductory remarks.
The Guest Speaker was Dr. Naresh Bhat, Chief of Gastroenterology & Liver Disease, Aster CMI Hospital Bengaluru.
Chairperson Dr. Surender K. Yachha Director, Pediatric Super Speciality & Academic Head of Sakra Japanese Hospital Bengaluru, gave excellent closing summary of the talk and conducted question- answer session. Vote of thanks was given by Dr C. P. Ravi Kumar, National Secretary COMHAD India Chapter.
The total beneficiaries were about 60.
Health Awareness Programme for Domestic Workers, Nagpur, MS, India, 30 July 2021.
Commonwealth Association for Health and Disability UK (COMHAD) & Society of Special Education, Rehabilitation & Training (SOSERT) jointly organised "Health Awareness programme for Domestic Workers on 30th July 2021 at 4 pm in community hall of Rachana Sayantara Apartment Phase II Hazaripahad Nagpur.
The programme was blessed by Hon.Chief Guest Dr Uday Bodhankar Executive Director COMHAD UK, Guest of honour Dr Pradeep Jaiswal Hon. Secretary General COMHAD UK. Special invitees were Shri Shahaji ShInde, President Navnirman Sanstha Dhule, Shri Sane Saheb President Rachana Phase II, Shri Magre Saheb Secretary Rachana Phase II & Dr Prakash Ukey President SOSERT and Treasurer COMHAD UK.
All delegates present were guided by Dr Uaday Bodhankar, Dr Pradeep Jaiswal and Dr Prakash Ukey, on common health problems faced by domestic workers and their remedies.
The number of beneficiaries were about 100.
Tree Plantation & 75th Independence Day Celebration, Shraddhanandpeth Anathalaya, South Ambazari Road, Nagpur, MS, India, 15 August 2021.
COMHAD in association with AOP (Academy of Pediatrics) Nagpur celebrated the 75 th Independence Day with Angles of God with difference followed by tree plantation. It was a proud moment for all of us being Indian nationals.
We the esteemed members of COMHAD and AOP visited Shraddhanandpeth Orphanage Home Nagpur, where we celebrated Independence Day along with underprivileged kids of orphanage home. Senior Advisor COMHAD Dr M S Rawat Sir hoisted the flag in the gracious presence of Dr
Yashwant Patil International President COMHAD UK, Dr Uday Bodhankar Executive Director COMHAD UK & Patron AOP Nagpur, Dr Vijay Dhote AOP President Nagpur and Joint Secretary COMHAD, Dr Sanjay Deshmukh Vice President AOP, Dr Pankaj Agrawal Secretary AOP, and Project
Coordinator COMHAD Dr Jaya Shiwalkar. Superintendent of Orphanage Mrs Gawande Madam, Mrs Diwange, Mr Goregaonkar and other staff members of orphanage were graciously present on this occasion.
Orphanage kids welcomed the distinguished guests and presented cultural programs related to Independence day. Dr M S Rawat in his speech appreciated the performance by the kids. Dr Yashwant Patil elaborated the importance of tree plantation and appreciated and thanked the staff
of Orphanage for their kind cooperation and dedication. Dr Uday Bodhankar having long association with the Orphanage was felicitated for his kind gesture of donating oxygen concentrator, pulse oximeter recently on behalf of BAPIO United Kingdom. Dr Vijay Dhote expressed sincere thanks and offered support from AOP in respect of health issues of orphanage kids. Dr Sanjay Deshmukh promised to look after vaccination support to the kids. Dr Pankaj Agrawal proposed the vote of thanks.
This was followed by distribution of Fruits, Groundnut Chikki and Balloons to the children of orphanage. Total beneficiaries were about 100 orphan kids Tree plantation programme was done by the esteemed members of COMHAD UK and AOP Nagpur along with staff members of orphanage in the premises of Shraddhanandpeth Orphanage Home.
Tree Plantation & 75th Independence Day Celebration, Ashokvan, Dongargaon, Wardha Road, Nagpur, MS, India, 15 August 2021.
The esteemed members of COMHAD and AOP (Academy of Pediatrics) visited Ashokvan and
celebrated 75 th Independence Day with difference, with full of gratitude and blessings from the senior citizens of Ashokvan, at Dongargaon, Wardha Road Nagpur on 15 august 2021.
Ashokvan an old aged home run by Karma Yogi most respected Late Shri Baba Amte’s Trust on outskirts of Nagpur. Ashokvan home is specially meant for the treatment and rehabilitation of leprosy patients with their habitations in the premises.
On this occasion we distributed Sweets and Snacks packets to all inhabitants. This was followed by tree plantation program in the premises of Ashokvan with the kind help of Mr Vijay Patil Manager of Ashokvan. Total beneficiaries were about 50.
We thanked Padma Shree Dr Prakash Amte individually on telephone who in return complimented COMHAD and AOP for their social commitment with standing invitation to visit Hemalkasa in future.
Prominently present were Dr M S Rawat Senior Advisor COMHAD UK, Dr Yashwant Patil International President COMHAD UK, Dr Uday Bodhankar Executive Director COMHAD UK & Patron AOP Nagpur, Dr Vijay Dhote AOP President Nagpur and Joint Secretary COMHAD UK, Dr Sanjay
Deshmukh Vice President AOP, Dr Pankaj Agrawal Secretary AOP, and Manager Ashokvan Mr Vijay Patil and senior citizens with their family members of Ashokvan.
Webinar on Expected Environment Changes In The Prevention & Control of Lung Cancer,Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, 26 August 2021.
Webinar on Expected Environment Changes In The Prevention & Control of Lung Cancer, was
organized by the COMHAD India Chapter in association with Divecha Centre for Climate Change Indian Institute of Science and Lakeside Education Trust, Bengaluru on 26 August 2021, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India on Virtual platform.
The programme started with welcome speech by Prof. J. Srinivasan Founder & Director of DCCC IIs. Followed by Prof Dr H Paramesh introduced the chairperson and speaker and gave introductory remarks.
The Guest Speaker was Prof. Arvind Kumar Former Professor and Head of surgery Thoracic & Robotic Surgery Unit, AIIMS New Delhi and President ASI.
Chairperson Dr Shekar Patil Chief Medical Oncologist HCG Cancer Centre Bengaluru gave excellent closing summary of the talk and conducted question-answer session. Vote of thanks was given by Dr C. P. Ravi Kumar, National Secretary COMHAD India Chapter.
The total beneficiaries were about 35.
Webinar on Overall Environmental Issues In The Prevention Of Suicidal Tendencies, Bengaluru,Karnataka, India, 23 September 2021.
Webinar on Overall Environmental Issues In The Prevention Of Suicidal Tendencies, was organized by the COMHAD India Chapter in association with Divecha Centre for Climate Change Indian Institute of Science and Lakeside Education Trust, Bengaluru on 23 September 2021, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India on Virtual platform.
The programme started with welcome speech by Prof. J. Srinivasan Founder & Director of DCCC IIs.Followed by Prof Dr H Paramesh introduced the chairperson and speaker and gave introductory remarks.
The Guest Speaker was Prof. Shekar P Seshadri, Psychiatrist and Professor of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in NIMHANS, Bangalore.
Chairperson Prof. Kalyana Sundaram, Sr.Psychiatrist Bengaluru gave excellent closing summary of the talk and conducted question-answer session. Vote of thanks was given by Dr C. P. Ravi Kumar, National Secretary COMHAD India Chapter.
The total beneficiaries were about 55.
Webinar on Importance of Millets in Nutrition and Health, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, 18 October 2021.
Webinar on Importance of Millets in Nutrition and Health was organized by the COMHAD India
Chapter in association with Divecha Centre for Climate Change Indian Institute of Science and Lakeside Education Trust, Bengaluru to celebrate National Diabeticon 18 October 2021, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India on Virtual platform.
The programme started with welcome speech by Prof. J. Srinivasan Director of DCCC IIs. Followed by Prof Dr H Paramesh introduced the chairperson and speaker and gave introductory remarks.
The Guest Speaker was Dr Khader Vali famous as Mysuru’s Millet Doctor, Mysuru, Karnataka.
Chairperson Prof. Mallikarjuna H B, Prof of Pediatrics, Ramaiah Medical College, Bengaluru gave excellent closing summary of the talk and conducted question-answer session. Vote of thanks was given by Dr C. P. Ravi Kumar, National Secretary COMHAD India Chapter.
The total beneficiaries were about 55.
Webinar on “School Re-openings in India: How confident can we be? Insights from Covid-19 data globally”, India, 15 November 2021.
Webinar on “School Re-openings in India: How confident can we be? Insights from Covid-19 data globally”, was organized by AQUITY Global Inc. USA in association with COMHAD, IAP and esteemed National and International NGOs susch as Public Health Foundation of India, University of Washington, Rishihood University, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation and Foundation for People-centric Health Systems to deliberate on important issue of school reopening. The webinar was held on 15 th November 2021 at 19.30 IST on Virtual platform.
The Keynote speaker was Dr Chris Murray Director Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation and Professor and Chair of Health Metrics Sciences, University of Washington.
The aforesaid topic was discussed as Panel Discussion which was moderated by Ms. Rishika Baruah, Associate Editor, NDTV 24x7. The Eminent panellists were Dr. Randeep Guleria, Director, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi; Dr. Madhuri Kanitkar, Vice Chancellor, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik; Ms. Vandana Krishan, Secretary (Education) Govt of Maharashtra; Dr. Swati Ghate, Indian Academy of Pediatrics.
The virtual audience was from Ministries of Health and Education Departments both at National and State levels, Education leaders, Academicians, health care professionals, affected communities, NGOs, civil society, and COVID groups and staff of various entities.
Total beneficiaries were about 500.
Webinar on Reversal of Diabetes: Myth or Reality, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, 25 November 2021.
Webinar on Reversal of Diabetes: Myth or Reality was organized by the COMHAD India Chapter in association with Divecha Centre for Climate Change Indian Institute of Science and Lakeside Education Trust, Bengaluru to celebrate National Diabeticon 25 November 2021, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India on Virtual platform.
The programme started with welcome speech by Prof. J. Srinivasan Director of DCCC IIs. Followed by Prof Dr H Paramesh introduced the chairperson and speaker and gave introductory remarks.
The Guest Speaker was Prof. Shekar P Seshadri, Psychiatrist and Professor of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in NIMHANS, Bangalore.
Chairperson Prof. Kalyana Sundaram, Sr.Psychiatrist Bengaluru gave excellent closing summary of the talk and conducted question-answer session. Vote of thanks was given by Dr C. P. Ravi Kumar, National Secretary COMHAD India Chapter.
The total beneficiaries were about 55.
Disability Awareness Signature Drive by COMHAD UK with Ye Zindagi Foundation & Lions Club Snehdhaga Nagpur, MS, India, 15 December 2021.
COMHAD UK in association with Ye Zindagi Foundation & Lions Club Snehdhaga Nagpur organized Disability Awareness Signature Campaign on 15 December 2021, from 7.30 AM to 10.30 AM, at Mankapur Indoor Stadium, Mankapur, Nagpur, MS, India, to make visiting general public aware about various disabilities their causes and prevention.
The programme started with welcome speech by Director of Ye Zindagi Foundation Mrs Snehal Kashyap. From COMHAD UK, Dr Yashwant Patil International President, Dr Uday Bodhankar Executive Director of COMHAD UK visited the venue and presented their signatures on huge board
displayed at venue and expressed their full support for the activity.
All participants were honoured with Certificate of Participation and cotton T-Shirt.
The total signatories were about 200.